Take as you will but technically with the model the posing could be better. The hand is stiff, the clothing look too stiff and thick. The texturemap on the body looks like stretch mark rather then skin variation and judging by the curvature of the breasts it doesn't look like this woman was the good year blimp at one time. The hair is overly painterly and while the rendering is indicative of this aswell, I don't get a very humanistic felling to the suddelties that seem to be needing some attention for a high res of post work. Maybe as a low poly on a consule it may work but some of the aspects may be relevant even if the target is console. The texture map on the hands looks good (scanner) body photoshop manipulation from scratch or surfaces can be difficult and judging by your approach. Social aspect of possibly coworkers nudity may be something that could be worked on.
Anyway tweak.